Monday, August 11, 2008

Secret Ingredient No-Egg Brownies

My mom found this recipe in a local newspaper. We changed it around a bit and came up with:

Secret Ingredient No-Egg Brownies

1 Box brownie mix (for our case, free of nuts, eggs, dairy)
1 TBSP Cinnamon (I added less, about 1/2, and it was fine, but bet it would have been fine with the whole TBSP)
1 15 oz can black beans (the secret ingredient!)
(this was the original recipe)
I tossed in a big handful of Enjoy Life Foods mini-chocolate chips :)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Puree the black beans in blender. You'll see skins, that's OK, you can't tell later. Mix bean puree with brownie mix (don't add the oil, egg, etc that the brownie box calls for - just use the powder mix). Throw in the chocolate chips and stir. Pour all into a greased 8x8 cake pan (although we used a similar sized pie plate.

Cook at 350 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. The chips made it pretty gooey, but we liked it that way. :)


(Thanks Lisa for noticing I didn't say what size can of beans - I responded in my comment section) :)


texasmama said...

Hi - I hope you check your comment box. On the beans, what size can?
It sounds like our kiddoes have very similar food allergies, and I was reading your other blog - my now 4 year old was allergic to my breast milk?!?! He grew out of it eventually and fortunately we did not have to put him on the elemental formula, but sheesh, it was a super guilt trip to think he was suffering every tiime he nursed from me, no matter what I eliminated or did not eliminate from my diet. Before he was diagnosed I had eliminate everything from my diet, til I was down to chicken, rice, apples, zucchini and oatmeal. I lost alot of weight that way!!!
Anyway, can you let me know the size on the beans? Thanks - hate to say misery loves company, but it is always good to know that others are making it through with the same types of crosses.

Amy said...

I don't check my comment box, enough, apparently! LOL. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, Lisa.

For black bean can size, I used a standard can - 15 ounces.

I'm sorry you also had/have to deal with food allergies and elimination diets! I've lost a lot of weight that way too. You're right though, it is so good to know others carry the same cross.

do you know about ? They have message boards (some free) and a great recipe database.

texasmama said...

Thanks for the info about the site and I am about to go try out the brownies right now. I hope you keep posting your favorite finds here - I am always looking for great recipes to add to my collection for these little buggers!

texasmama said...

Thanks for the info about the site and I am about to go try out the brownies right now. I hope you keep posting your favorite finds here - I am always looking for great recipes to add to my collection for these little buggers!